Who is the Hero of your Brand?

Have you seen the new Amazon Christmas ad? It tells a beautiful story of a ballerina preparing for a big show. She diligently and against all odds, trains and rehearses, but unfortunately — Covid — the show is canceled. Her dream shatters before her eyes.

But then, in a burst of community spirit, her family, friends, and neighbors come together to give her a stage and an audience for her big night.

In the final scene, she’s seen on a rooftop at night, with a flashlight beaming down at her, creating a spotlight on her enchanting performance as neighbors watch and applaud through their windows.

Although I hate to say it about an ad for a big box store, but it kind of got me.  

Every good story starts off with a character who we can relate to, with a desire or motivation that we understand. We root for them as they overcome obstacles and cheer when they finally reach their happily ever after.

Who is this character in your business? Who are you rooting for and celebrating?

I’m subscribed to a newsletter, and their letterhead has the photo of a woman with a wide smile. Her hands are stretched over her head, and she points her index fingers directly at herself. Each time I see this picture, I cringe slightly because the message it sends is that their business is focused on themselves and not on the customers they’re serving. 

Just as every compelling story needs a hero, every compelling brand needs one too. Your brand’s hero shouldn’t be your brand. It should be your customer. Your customer should be the one you are rooting for, celebrating and guiding them toward their happily ever after.

When your customer is your brand hero, your business reaps the benefit. According to Deloitte and Touche, customer-centric companies were 60% more profitable compared to companies that were not focused on the customer.

Our brands benefit when we have our clients at the center of our communication as our hero. That means that we should communicate how well you know, understand, and empathize with your hero and their struggle and how much you applaud and cheer their successes.

That way, your clients know that their success is your focus, and you want to get them there. Let their victories be your victories. Let them be the star of the show and the hero in your stories.

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What’s your Signature System?

Do you remember the big news of 2000. He’s back! This time Michael Jordan was returning to basketball for the third time as team president of the Washington Wizards. Under his leadership the team under-performed. Jordan, who of course was the greatest player of all time, decided to help out by getting back in the game. This move didn’t help. The team continued to struggle and by the end of the season, he was not only fired as team president but kicked off the team.  His playing days were over and his reputation in as manager was in pieces. Definitely not a three-peat.


That same year, his former coach on the other hand went on to win his tenth championship with a brand new team.  Unlike Jordan, Phil Jackson was able to repeat his success with the Bulls with an entirely new team. Why was Phil Jackson able to repeat his success and Michael Jordan not?

Phil Jackson had a system. Michael Jordan was a player with extraordinary skill that was so natural, he couldn’t explain it. He couldn’t teach it and he couldn’t repeat it.

What’s your system?

Does your work come so naturally easy to you that you can’t understand why other people can’t do what you do? Do you even ask yourself, why would anyone need to be told to do this? It’s so obvious.

Let me share a secret with you. It’s not obvious. You may need to develop your Signature System.


What is a Signature System and why do you need one?

Before we go any further, let me tell you what a signature system actually is. It’s simply a series of steps you take clients through in order to achieve a specific result.  It’s that simple.

Have you ever heard of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Steven Covey? That’s a signature system. It’s what empires are built on when done well.

What's your

Positions you as an expert

One thing I’ve learned by working with so many corporate clients over the years, there’s a difference between having the skills to do the job and being able to demonstrate you have those skills. Most people even if they had the chance to see you at work wouldn’t be able to identify all the intricacy and expertise that goes into the work you do.  Especially if you’re so good, you make it look easy.

Having a Signature System removes that problem. It skyrockets your credibility for one simple reason because it demonstrates to your clients that you’re not just flying by the seat of your pants.  You know what you’re doing. They can feel secure that they’re in good hands.  This is especially crucial when you’re working with high end clients who are paying for your expertise.

Makes you more marketable

When you craft your Signature System properly, you need to be very clear about the results you deliver. What problem do you solve and what are the tangible results of working with you? Once you become clear, you can talk to your clients about the results you can be expected to deliver. The value of creating your Signature System is that it makes the conversation easier.

You recognize your own value

I have worked with dozens of clients where we’ve taken the time to break down what they do for their own clients into a step-by-step process. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen the light bulb light up over their heads when I show them their system.  I have a client who said to me before we started, “I don’t know how I do it, I just do it!” Typically by the time we’re done, they realize they do have a system but they have become so good at it, it’s natural for them, it has remained invisible even to them.

What I find most satisfying is how it opens their  eyes to the enormous value they are delivering often without even realizing it. I’ve seen my clients’ confidence skyrocket as they start to believe in their ability to deliver results.  It’s a funny thing, you can’t expect others to recognize the value of what you’re offering unless you do first. Creating your Signature System is one of the most effective ways of doing that.

Do you want to create your own Signature System?

If you’d like help creating your own Signature System and want to work with me one-on-one drop me an email at janali@naturallyiconic.com.
You know, it would be a dream just to spend a day hanging out with Michael Jordan the greatest basketball player of all time. But if I had my choice, I’d rather spend that day with Phil Jackson. I’d spend the entire day, figuring out his winning system!